+38 066 9477273

Kateryna Vinichenko

Under the Umbrella Volunteer Association

+38 066 9477273

Kateryna Vinichenko

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Under the Umbrella Volunteer Association

Under the Umbrella Volunteer Association

Our Mission

The volunteer association "Under the Umbrella" aims to help the Ukrainian military and civilians by providing high-quality and reliable protective equipment of its own production, namely camouflage nets, helmets, protective capes, etc. We are constantly working to improve our production technology and share this knowledge with volunteers and anyone interested in joining the net weaving process.

About Us


Kateryna and Valentina Vinichenko, “Under the Umbrella” founders.

“Under the Umbrella” is an association of volunteers who have been producing camouflage nets since 2014. Since then, our nets have undergone many tests in combat conditions and have received high praise and positive feedback from professional military personnel for their quality and reliability.Initially, the Vinichenko family started weaving the nets: their mother Valentyna Stepanivna and daughter Kateryna are well-known in Zaporizhzhia as tour guides with a unique approach. Kateryna is a light industry technologist by profession. Since 2014, she has been weaving protective gear for our defenders. Over the year, Kateryna has tested many weaving techniques and eventually developed her own methodology.Kateryna received a state award from the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine for this design. The technology continues to improve due to constant testing in combat conditions and feedback from the military.Since 2015, volunteers have woven more than 150,000 m2 of nets. In particular, since 24 February 2022 they have woven about 40,000 m2. These can camouflage 3,100 tanks or armoured personnel carriers and cover 150 km of trenches.Over the past year, a group of weaving masters have formed around the founders, attracting many enthusiastic people to join. Now our team includes more than 50 volunteers, including residents of Zaporizhzhia and displaced people from the temporarily occupied territories.
We regularly publish reports about our activities on our Facebook page.

Product Features

Taking into account the experience and feedback from the military since 2015, we have developed our own proprietary technology that makes our nets:
● easy to use

● lightweight and substantial in size

● withstand maximum loads during operation on the field

● have a colour scheme that is best suited to the terrain

● made with a heart, and therefore awarded the title of “AMULET NETS” by the military

Military Awards

We actively cooperate with the military and receive feedback from them on the quality of our nets.
We usually try to make the nets to suit the specific conditions of our customers: size, colour and special terrain features.

Since 2014, Kateryna Vinichenko and the “Under the Umbrella” volunteer association have received many acknowledgements and gratitude from military units.

Net Weaving Masterclasses

Net weaving masterclass. A fragment

Fabric cutting masterclass. A fragment

Educational activities are also an important part of our work. One of the founders of our association, Kateryna Vinichenko, shares her experience among volunteers in Ukraine and abroad—wherever there are volunteers who are ready to help our country in this difficult time.
Kateryna helped to open more than 10 net weaving centres in Zaporizhzhia. With her help and assistance, another 7 centres were opened in other countries, including Poland, Italy, Finland, Scotland, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Canada.

Masterclasses for volunteers in Ukraine are held Online or Offline.
Masterclasses for volunteers abroad are held Online.

For more information about the training, please call:
+38 066 94772723 (Viber, Telegram)
Kateryna Vinichenko

Media about Us

  • Feature on "MTM TV channel. Zaporizhzhia", 18.01.2023:
    “It's time - Zaporizhzhia volunteers have been sending camouflage nets to the front since the beginning of the war”

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    Feature on TVP Polonia, the Polish TV channel, 02.05.2023:
    "Unique camouflage nets from Zaporizhzhia for Ukrainian soldiers"

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    Publication on ZPRZ.CITY, the Zaporizhzhia city portal, 24.04.2023:
    "Zaporizhzhya volunteers completed a unique order"

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    Publication on "Volynski Novyny", 11.02.2023:
    "The enemy will not detect camouflaged vehicles under the nets, colored as “SNOW IN VOLYN STYLE”


“Under the Umbrella” is a non-profit project. The fabric and nets for production are purchased at the expense of individual members and friends of our organization.

How to Help Us

Our association has the potential to produce more nets, but we have limited financial resources. We are always grateful for your help:
1) Financial support for the purchase of materials
Card: 5168752014233483, Vinichenko KaterynaPayPal: moc.liamg%40paz.kmo
2) Join us & volunteer to weave nets
3) Share information about our activities in your media.



 Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Kateryna Vinichenko

 +38 066 947 72 73   

Valentina Vinichenko

+38 066 947 72 72

 “Under the Umbrella” Facebook Group

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